There are two major types of diabetes :Type 1 - A disease in which the body does not produce any insulin. People with Type 1 diabetes must take daily insulin injections to stay alive.Type 2 - A block of insulin receptors resulting from the body's inability to make enough, or properly respond to, insulin. It is the most common form of the disease.
Exercise is beneficial for people with both types of diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2). First, exercise can take some glucose out of the blood to use for energy during and after exercise, which lowers blood glucose levels. Secondly, it helps delay or stop large blood vessels and heart disease. Cardiovascular disease is the most common killer of people with diabetes. (*34)
Diabetes and BIOStimulation
Ultratone Biostimulation can help tone and exercise the muscle and thus enhancing and encourage the active regime of diabetics. It has been noted that poor blood circulation, slow healing of wounds, and risk of incontinence can affect diabetics. (*34)
Turning up the intensity dials until a very mild tingling is felt. There should be no movement. This will increase capillarisation and circulation of the extremities
benefits of Ultratone
Biostimulation can be used for:
- Prompt recovery and improve flexibility and pain-free movement after an injury.
- Releasing spasms and cramps and relief stiff or weak joint and back.
- Reduction of oedema and help with poor circulation.
- Improving capillarisation.
- Help strengthen pelvic muscles that cause incontinence.
- Preventing deep vein thrombosis.
- Post-stroke rehabilitation.
- Elector acupuncture as well as electro reflexology.
- Help activate and work muscles with people who suffer from diabetes.
- Non-surgical facelift and toning.
- Cellulite reduction, slimming, and pelvic floor strengthening for postnatal rehabilitation.
Please read the contraindications and precautions here before using Ultratone products.
34. K.S. Centofanti et al., Medical and Therapeutic Applications of Ultratone Biostimulation (Ashford, Ultra Scientific Instruments Ltd, 2002), 38.