Incontinence is an embarrassing and particularly distressing condition with significant medical and social implications. It is more common in women and in the elderly. Electrical Stimulation has been used with apparent success in the dealing of faecal and urinary incontinence (*26). However, the cause of incontinence is so varied that it’s essential that a full understanding of the particular condition of each patient is reached in order to maximise the effect of Ultratone Biostimulation. (*27)
In a study designed to assess the results of Electrostimulation of the pelvic floor of faecal incontinence, it was found that Electrostimulation was successful in a large proportion of the patients. The most distinct subject improvement was seen in patients with moderate incontinence. (*26)
In the bladder, stimulation of sacral posterior roots reduces reflex incontinence and significantly improves bladder capacity. With the combination of anterior and posterior root stimulation, bladder control can be achieved without the need for surgical intervention.(*27)
Turn up the intensity until a smooth and fairly strong contraction is felt in the abdomen and buttocks.
benefits of Ultratone
Biostimulation can be used for:
- Prompt recovery and improve flexibility and pain-free movement after an injury.
- Releasing spasms and cramps and relief stiff or weak joint and back.
- Reduction of oedema and help with poor circulation.
- Improving capillarisation.
- Help strengthen pelvic muscles that cause incontinence.
- Preventing deep vein thrombosis.
- Post-stroke rehabilitation.
- Elector acupuncture as well as electro-reflexology.
- Help activate and work muscles with people who suffer from diabetes.
- Non-surgical facelift and toning.
- Cellulite reduction, slimming, and pelvic floor strengthening for postnatal rehabilitation.
Please read the contraindications and precautions here before using Ultratone products.
26. M.S. Sung et al., 'FES-biofeedback versus intensive pelvic floor muscle exercise for the prevention and treatment of genuine stress incontinence' J Korean Med Sci. 3 (2000) 303-8. cited in K.S. Centofanti et al., Medical and Therapeutic Applications of Ultratone Biostimulation (Ashford, Ultra Scientific Instruments Ltd, 2002), 39.
27. K.S. Centofanti et al., Medical and Therapeutic Applications of Ultratone Biostimulation (Ashford, Ultra Scientific Instruments Ltd, 2002), 39.